Celebrating Charm, Style, and Agricultural Excellence: Ossory Show Competitions

Welcome to the Ossory Show, an event that brings together the local community to celebrate not just agricultural excellence, but charm and style too ! We are excited to present a variety of competitions that cater to different age groups and interests. Whether you have a bonnie baby, a wobbler toddler, or a flair for fashion, there’s something for everyone at the Ossory Show. Let’s dive into the fantastic competitions being held this year!

Baby and Toddler Competitions:

12:30pm Bonnie Baby: Calling all proud parents! The Bonnie Baby competition is a heartwarming event where infants and young children can showcase their adorable charm. Prepare to be captivated by the cuteness overload as these little ones steal the spotlight.
From 0 to 1 year old.

1pm Wobbler Toddler: Watch out for the wobblers! Toddlers who are just starting to find their feet will be participating in the Wobbler Toddler competition. It’s an absolute delight to witness their early attempts at walking and their endearing interactions. Be prepared to be amazed by their progress and cheer them on!
From 1 to 4 years old.

Children Competitions:

1:30pm Little Miss Ossory: Young girls, aged 4 to 10 years, will take centre stage in the Little Miss Ossory competition. They will showcase their poise, elegance, and stage presence. It’s a chance for these young talents to shine and display their confidence and charisma.
From 4 to 10 years old.

2pm Little Master Ossory: Not to be outdone, the Little Master Ossory competition invites young boys, also aged 4 to 10 years, to demonstrate their own unique charm. From their smart outfits to their adorable smiles, these young gentlemen will capture hearts with their style and stage presence.
From 4 to 10 years old.

Fashion Competitions:


Most Glamourosly Dressed Lady:

: Fashionistas, this one’s for you! The Most Glamourously Dressed Lady competition invites all the stylish women attending the event to showcase their impeccable fashion sense. From elegant dresses to eye-catching accessories, the judges will have a tough decision to make in selecting the most fashionable lady.

Join us for a day filled with heartwarming moments, stunning fashion, and agricultural excellence. We can’t wait to see you there!

Sponsored by Lisduff Adventure Farm.

Please use the form below to register for any of the above competitions,
and payment can be made on the day.

Charm & Style Competitions

Charm & Style Competitions

Ossory Agricultural Show 2024

Entry Fees for all competitions are as follows:
Children €5
Adults €10

Fees to be paid on the day from 11:30am, with a 1pm start.

Please indicate the competition you/your child are entering